Table of contents ADM - Number 2 (2008)
    V. Drensky,
R. Holtkamp
Planar trees, free nonassociative algebras,
invariants, and elliptic integrals
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  X. J. Guo,
K. P. Shum
Baer semisimple modules and Baer rings
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  N. V. Hutsko,
A. N. Skiba
On well p-embedded subgroups of finite
full text in | pdf | ps |
  D. P. Jacobs,
M. O. Rayes,
V. Trevisan
Characterization of Chebyshev Numbers full text in | pdf | ps |
  P. Pikuta Exact values of girth for some graphs
D(k, q) and upper bounds of the order of
full text in | pdf | ps |
  G. Pluh´ar,
J. Wood
The free spectra of varieties generated by
idempotent semigroups

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  I. Protasov Balleans of bounded geometry and

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  V. G. Safonov On τ -closed totally saturated group
formations with Boolean sublattices
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  A.L. Vyshnevetskiy,
E. M. Zhmud’
Random walks on finite groups converging
after finite number of steps
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    Emmanuil Moiseevich Zhmud’ (1918-2007)
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  all abstracts in | pdf | ps |