IV International Algebraic
Conference in Ukraine |
This volume consists of papers presented at the IV
International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, which took place in Lviv (Lemborg) on August 4--9, 2003. Such conferences started in 1997. The previous three conferences were held in Slovyansk, Vinnytsa and Sumy. The IV Conference was organised by Lviv Ivan Franko University, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University and Yaroslav Pidstrygach Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). The Local Organising Committee consisted of Y. Prytula (Chairman), V.Andriychuk, O. Artemovych, T. Banach, M.Zarichny, M. Zabolotsky, V.Zelisko, V. Kyrylych, M. Komarnytskyj, R. Kushnir, V. Petrychkovych. The Program Committee consisted of the leading scientists from 8
More than 140 mathematicians from 21 countries took part
at this conference and presented 25 plenary talks and 80 talks at
5 sections: ``Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory and Topological
Algebra'' (18 talks), ``Algebraic Systems, Model Theory and
Applied Algebra'' (18 talks) ``Representation Theory and Linear
Algebra'' (17 talks), ``Rings and Modules'' (14 talks), ``Group
Theory'' (13 talks). Among them were such prominent scientists as
M. C. R. Butler (Liverpool), P. Gudivok (Uzhgorod), V. Dlab
(Ottawa), E. Hrushovski (Jerusalem), V. Kirichenko (Kyiv),
A.Kashu (Chisinau), Z. Marciniak (Warsaw), Y. Olshanskii
(Moscow), I. Ponizovskiy (Sankt Peterburg), V. Yanchevskii
(Minsk), M. Zarichny (Lviv), A. Zhuk (Lyon) and many others.
During the opening ceremony The Chairman of the Department of
Mechanics and Mathematics Y. Prytula made an interesting survey
about the history of mathematical research in Lviv. The
participants had an opportunity to go sightseeing for the
wonderful historical city of Lviv and its environments.
The next, V International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine will
take place in 2005 in Odessa, a well-known city at the Black See. |
Yuriy A. Drozd
Chairman of the Program Committee
Table of contents
ADM - Number 1 (2004) |
D. Bazyleu,
S. Tikhonov,
V. Yanchevski˘ |
Conic bundles over real formal power series
field |
full text in | pdf | ps | |
V. M. Bondarenko,
A. M. Polishchuk |
Minimax sums of posets and the quadratic
Tits form |
full text in | pdf | ps | |
X. Chen |
Root vectors of the composition algebra of
the Kronecker algebra |
full text in | pdf | ps | |
Yu. A. Drozd |
Derived tame and derived wild algebras |
full text in | pdf | ps | |
J. Krempa |
On lattices, modules and groups with
many uniform elements |
full text in | pdf | ps | |
W. Rump |
Categories of lattices, and their global
structure in terms of almost split sequences |
full text in | pdf | ps |
I. Shestakov,
N. Zhukavets |
On associative algebras satisfying the
identity x5 = 0 |
full text in | pdf | ps |
G. Y. Tsyaputa |
Green’s relations on the deformed
transformation semigroups |
full text in | pdf | ps |
all abstracts in | pdf | ps
| |