Table of contents ADM - Number 3 (2003)
  Shalom Feigelstock N – real fields
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Rüdiger Göbel and Simone L. Wallutis An algebraic version of the Strong Black Box
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A. I. Kashu On equivalence of some subcategories of modules
in Morita contexts
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Eugene Kuznetsov Gyrogroups and left gyrogroups as transversals
of a special kind
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Vasyl Pyekhtyeryev H− and R−cross-sections of the full finite
semigroup Tn
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George Szeto and Lianyong Xue The commutator Hopf Galois extensions

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Th. Theohari-Apostolidi and H. Vavatsoulas On the separability of the restriction functor

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Vasyl A. Ustimenko On a group theoretical construction
of expanding graphs

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